Our Programs

NMCL is more than just a library. are expanding our horizon with projects that  increase our reach and impact even more lives. Here are all our programs, both ongoing and upcoming. 

Legacy Libraries

Honor the memory of your loved ones through our Legacy Libraries initiative. Join us in creating a lasting tribute by making a donation to have a library built in their name. Just as we did for Namanya, you can now perpetuate the legacy of those who have touched your heart, while simultaneously providing the gift of knowledge to generations to come.

Your contribution will not only preserve their memory but also educate and empower communities in Uganda.

Child sponsorships

Join us in making a profound difference in the lives of children through our Child Sponsorship Program. At Namanya Memorial Community Library (NMCL), we believe that every child deserves access to quality education and a brighter future.

By sponsoring a child’s school fees, you’re not just investing in a child’s education; you’re investing in the future of our community. Together, we can shape lives, nurture potential, and create a lasting impact, one child at a time.

Namanya Memorial Training Center

The Namanya Memorial Training Center is being built to give youth a place to learn trades.

Courses at the center will  include welding, computer literacy, mechanics, and more. Our goal is to offer training programs are entirely free of charge to every student who walks through our doors.

Common Questions

You can participate by making a donation to have a library built in the name of your loved one. Contact us to learn more about the process.

Your donation covers the construction and establishment of the library in honor of your loved one, as well as ongoing support for library programs and resources.

We’ll work closely with community partners to identify suitable locations for new libraries, ensuring they benefit the local community.

Each library becomes a center for learning, offering access to knowledge, educational resources, and a space for personal growth for the entire community.

The Namanya Memorial Training Center is a future project aimed at providing vocational skills training in welding, computer literacy, mechanics, and more to the youth in our community.

The Center’s programs are designed for young individuals in the local community who wish to acquire practical skills that enhance their employability and personal development but can not afford to.

Work is underway on the foundation of the Training Center.  Your gift of any amount will help us make it possible to keep building!

Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute.

The Namanya  Memorial Training Center aims to empower young individuals with valuable skills that align with today’s job market, offering them sustainable employment opportunities and a pathway to a brighter future. Both for them and their families.

More Questions?

If we haven’t answered your question, feel free to send it our way.  We’re happy to help!