We have built a vibrant community of young readers
Because of the urgent need in Nansana Community, the people have found the Namanya Memorial Community Library very resourceful in their education journey especially because most of the schools don’t have libraries or access to textbooks.
Opening the Library has helped students from all ages and walks of life improve their grades, through after-school studies.
With the help of our volunteers, young children are learning how to read and write above grade level.. Seeing the parents in the community happy with the success of their children is what keeps us going.
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Library Launch
We officially opened our doors in March 2023
We have partnered with multiple non profits both in Uganda and internationally.
Training Center
We can't wait to see the impact of the Namanya Memorial community Training center that is currently under construction
Mamanya Memorial Community Library
NMCL is open to the general public providing Free reading resources for everyone within our community