Where it all began...
The origin story of the Namanya Memorial Community Library is a story of overcoming grief to build a legacy that will live forever in every child, every book, every page, and every word.
NMCL's story
In 2020, Namanya Hilary and his wife Winifred Blessing Barbra died in a car accident. In their grief, Namanya’s family was determined the couple’s heart for others and love of education would live on. Namanya’s mother, a retired teacher, took in their children and set about teaching the boys, Jethro and Jesse, to read.
As Namanya’s brother, Collins, reflected on the dreams he and his brother shared, he was struck by the lack of books for children in Uganda. Collins was a teenager before he held a book for the first time. He decided to build a library to open the doors of lifelong love of learning for Jethro, Jesse, and other Ugandan children. Generous donors made it possible to open the Namanya Memorial Community Library in 2022.
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